Movie News and Views

I am launching my new blog Movie News and Views which is dedicated to the love and appreciation of cinema. I will post reviews of films currently playing in theaters, new DVD releases and old favorites. There will be postings on news and information regarding upcoming films. I will also have postings on actors, actresses, directors, etc. that I admire. In the future, when the blog is more established, I hope to post interviews with people who are involved in the filmmaking process.

Location: United States

Thursday, June 04, 2009

DVD Mini Review - Summer '04

Stefan Krohmer's Summer '04 was recommended by two friends. And it was a very good recommendation. The film is smart and very interesting.

Progressive couple Miriam (Martina Gedeck) and Andre (Peter Davor) are at their summer country home. Things seem as they should be. Ah, but everything changes when their son Nils (Lucas Kotaranin) brings his twelve year old girlfriend Livia (Svea Lohde) to the house. She is very mature for a twelve year old.

One day Nils and Livia go sailing and Nils comes back by himself. They met a 30ish year old man named Bill (Robert Seelinger) who Livia has taken a fancy to. And the feeling seems to be mutual. Miriam feels responsible for Livia and when the girl starts to spend more time with Bill Miriam decides to do some investigating.

That is all I will say about the plot. I will say that things do not to as expected.
And that makes the film quite intriguing. I was surprised at how things turned out.
Krohmer's directing style reminded me of Michael Haneke. The acting is good from all involved but Gedeck is a standout as Miriam. She gives a very nuanced performance.

All of you who love world cinema must see this intelligent film.


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