Married Life
The story revolves around Harry (Chris Cooper) and Pat (Patricia Clarkson). They are middle aged and have been married for a long time. But Harry is not fulfilled. He longs to be really loved and he has met a woman that is able to do so. Her name is Kay (Rachel McAdams) and she is a war widow. Oh, I should say that the story takes place in the late 1940s. He wants to leave Pat but doesn't know how. Harry's best friend is Richard (Pierce Brosnan) who is not the marrying kind. He has many different women. But Harry knows that he can confide in him. He even introduces Kay to Richard. Richard takes a fancy to Kay. Harry comes up with a scheme of how to get rid of Pat. And Pat has a secret of her own. And that is all I will tell you.
The film captures the feeling of that time period to a tee. The story is very engrossing. And all of the actors a great. Cooper and Clarkson are totally believable as a long time married couple. And I give Brosnan a lot of credit for finding interesting projects to work on post-Bond.
All in all, this is a terrific little film and I urge you to see it while it is in theaters. If you can't do so then definitely rent it on DVD. You won't be sorry that you did.