Movie News and Views

I am launching my new blog Movie News and Views which is dedicated to the love and appreciation of cinema. I will post reviews of films currently playing in theaters, new DVD releases and old favorites. There will be postings on news and information regarding upcoming films. I will also have postings on actors, actresses, directors, etc. that I admire. In the future, when the blog is more established, I hope to post interviews with people who are involved in the filmmaking process.

Location: United States

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Al Gore Oscar Winner - An Inconvenient Truth

I must admit that I was not a big fan of Al Gore's when he ran for President back in 2000. I found him a bit of a bore. I also did not like his choice of running mate Joe Lieberman who happens to be as conservative as many Republicans (although they were both much better on the environment than almost all of the Republicans). I wound up voting for Ralph Nader and I do not take any blame for what happened because I live in a blue state and all of the electoral votes went to Gore. I do believe that Gore should have been President and that the election was stolen. That is a great shame for the United States but there is nothing that can be done about it now.

As time went on and Gore got over the pain of his loss (which is even more painful when it is really wasn't a legitimate loss). He became more progressive in his points of view and started criticizing the Bush administration regarding the war in Iraq. He also went back to his greatest passion which is the environment. He set up a slide show documenting the dangers of global warming and started to take it around the world. Davis Guggenheim's fine film follows Gore as he takes his show on the road and also tells us how Gore got the point where he felt that he had to speak out.

Most people know that Gore's son was critically hurt in a car accident and almost died. After his son recovered he decided he had to something to make the world a better place and that is when he started to speak out about the environment. Gore does a very good job of getting out the facts on global warming. For instance, I consider myself a pretty good student of geography but Gore said that a long time ago Africa and South America were joined together and one of the slides showed how they actually fit together. I never knew that I wondered how all of the water came to separate them. It was frightening to see what would happen if the ice keeps melting in either western Antarctica or Greenland. Let's just say that the areas that many of us live in would be under water. I am not going to get into any more facts because Gore explains it better than I ever could.

The film takes a few digs at the current administration and that is fine by me. Bush is so into religion that he seems to think that science is almost unnecessary. It is really a crime that the US did not sign the Kyoto treaty. The film is very frightening. It certainly is scarier than any horror film out there because this horror film could become a reality. But things can be reversed and we human beings are the only ones who can make this happen. I urge everyone, regardless if you are liberal or conservative to see this film. It may not be the best film of the year but I think that it will be the most important (and I do think that it is good enough to get an Oscar nomination in the documentary category).

Al Gore has repeatedly said that he will not run for public office again but if he should chose to make another run for the White House this time I will gladly vote for him.

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