Movie News and Views

I am launching my new blog Movie News and Views which is dedicated to the love and appreciation of cinema. I will post reviews of films currently playing in theaters, new DVD releases and old favorites. There will be postings on news and information regarding upcoming films. I will also have postings on actors, actresses, directors, etc. that I admire. In the future, when the blog is more established, I hope to post interviews with people who are involved in the filmmaking process.

Location: United States

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Julie & Julia

Nora Ephron's latest film Julie & Julia is a quite entertaining one. Although far from a great film it was never boring is well worth seeing.

The film is based on two books and tells two stories. The first one is about Julia Child (Meryl Streep) who is living in Paris in the 40s with her husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) who is on assignment there. Julia does not want to be a bored housewife. While trying to find her passion she takes her love of eating one step further. She enrolls in the Le Corden Bleu school for chefs. She is the only woman in the class. She is not taken seriously and is told that she doesn't have a talent for cooking. But we know better because as they say the rest is history.

The other story is about another bored woman. Julie Powell (Amy Adams) works in a center that helps people deal with 9/11. I would have thought that she would find that fulfilling. But she doesn't because it seems that most people are rude to her. She is a writer and longs to go back to writing. She lives in Queens with her husband Eric (Chris Messina) and their cat. One day she decides to start a blog and challenges herself to cook all 524 recipes in one of Julia's cookbooks in a year. And she makes blog entries as she goes along. And in this story, too, the rest is history.

Adams and Messina are both good in their roles. And I found Julie's story actually more interesting than I thought I would. But the film really belongs to Streep and Tucci. Streep is just marvelous as Julia. The voice is just right. And Tucci shines in a lower key role. And their chemistry is just terrific.

I love food and I love to cook and bake. I just wish I had more time and a bigger kitchen. I knew that this food would contain depictions of food preparation that I wouldn't like (I am a devout vegetarian). I just closed my eyes while those short scenes were on. But the scene that I really object to is the one with the lobsters. I assume they used real lobsters and threw them into boiling water. That whole scene was totally unnecessary. There are many meat eaters who are against this.

Anyway, is well worth seeing for the performances and the interesting story lines. I enjoyed that. What I didn't enjoy was most of the food in the film. But that doesn't take away from the marvelous Streep and Tucci.


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