Movie News and Views

I am launching my new blog Movie News and Views which is dedicated to the love and appreciation of cinema. I will post reviews of films currently playing in theaters, new DVD releases and old favorites. There will be postings on news and information regarding upcoming films. I will also have postings on actors, actresses, directors, etc. that I admire. In the future, when the blog is more established, I hope to post interviews with people who are involved in the filmmaking process.

Location: United States

Friday, April 28, 2006

United 93

Even though I like the work of director Paul Greengrass I had no intention of seeing United 93. I live in New York City and I was about a mile from where the World Trade Center went up in flames. I saw the Towers burning. But, as an avid fan of cinema I could not ignore the rave reviews that the film was garnering and decided to see it.

It is a good film but not a great one (many of the critics lead me to believe that it was great). Greengrass tells the story from the heart and that is what makes the film a success. It is told in real time and you feel like you are actually in the plane or on the ground working with the air traffic controllers trying to figure out what was going on.

I like the idea that Greengrass decided to use unknown actors. There was not a trace of Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts or Brangelina. The actors looked like ordinary people and that made the film all the more real. Some of the air traffic controllers who were on duty that day played themselves.

The problem that I had with the film was that not all parts were equal. The beginning of movie, which shows us people boarding the plane and the flight getting ready for takeoff, drags a bit. Some of the scenes that showed us what was happening on the ground could have been trimmed and tightened up. But, the last forty minutes or so was outstanding filmmaking. This is where the passengers decide to take on the terrorists. Although we know what happens we are on the edge of our seats hoping that, somehow, the outcome will be different. These scenes were gut wrenching and one would have to be made of stone not to cry.

There are a number of people who feel that this film is now the frontrunner in the Oscar race. Although I think that it is a good film I disagree with that statement. First of all, it is way too early to say that. There are many great films that will come out within the next few months and only then will be able to tell what is best. Also, the film just didn't feel like great cinema to me. Good does not equal a masterpiece. Still and all, Paul Greengrass is a wonderful filmmaker and he is someone who will do great work in the future. He knows how to take a subject like this and fill it with compassion (I have a feeling that in the future there will be some 9/11 films that will be exploitive).

The bottom line is that I liked United 93 but I cannot recommend it to people because of the subject matter (and I know many people who will not see it). So, decide for yourself if you want to put yourself through the experience of revisiting that horrible day.


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